Nohra-Elende is one of three potash fields hosted by our Mühlhausen-Nohra licence.
The Nohra-Elende Sub-Area contains a JORC 2012 Inferred resource of 1,698 million tonnes grading 9.7% K2O, plus an additional JORC Exploration Target of between 638 and 1,162 million tonnes at a potash grade between 9.2% and 11.07% K2O. The Nohra-Elende Sub-Area also contains a JORC 2012 Kieserite (MgSO4..H2O) resource comprising 768Mt at an average grade of 8.1% Magnesium Sulphate, with intersections up to 20%.

In January 2020, K-Utec produced a Conceptual Study on the mining and processing options for the Nohra-Elende sub-area. The base case scenario of the study considers MOP production of 575,000 tonnes per annum with a mined raw salt capacity of 4.32 Mt.
Mining is proposed to be carried out using two sets of continuous miners with a total production rate of 4.32 Mt of raw salt annually. The Run of Mine (RoM) material will be transported by shuttle cars, conveyor belts and hoisted through the shaft. No stockpiling takes place and no brines are discharged to surface water bodies as all tailings from processing are proposed to be backfilled into the mine using a hydraulic system.
Considering a mined and hoisted tonnage of 4.32 Mt per year the expected mine life is estimated to be approximately 34 years, only considering the northern part of the license area. With additional exploration work and development of infrastructure, the life of mine can potentially be more than doubled.